Hello Tripawds!

Hello Tripawd Parents! Ruger and I are new to this site so we are just trying to figure out how this all goes. We got Ruger in January 2010 and he was a crazy ball of energy from day one…we expected that with a German Shorthair Pointer. He has an awesome little personality and is loved more then words can explain. This past fall he was squirrel hunting in the back yard and chased one into the street. He was hit by a car and suffered severe nerve damage to his right front leg…we waited a month to see if his nerves would grow back together but we had no luck there. Ruger started to chew on his leg and paw…he was getting really sick of having a bum leg and he was trying to let us know he wanted it gone! So we decided to remove it! Best decision we have made…he’s a very happy boy now! Back to his old ways and picked up a few new ones too. 🙂